Så jävla annorlunda utav Adept, men förjävligt awesome ändå!
Why Suffer?
Unbeliever. It's just a word for the weak
Have you ever seen a sunset burn the horizon, burn the horizon?
Or when the colours in the autumn match the flames in the skyline,
Or the air from your mouth when you breathe in december.
You. You have to wake up, you have to wake up and see and you will
Find all the answers standing in front of you.
So you're standing there, with bloodshut eyes. You were pail and scared
Was it something I said?
(The Only time that I tried to tell you have much I loved you, we faded)
(The Only time that I felt so right inside it meant Goodbye. Goodbye.)
A stained perfection, is this all you've been waiting for?
A chance to let go? Are you just feeling nothing? You must have felt something.
To make a difference into the life we choose to live.
You have to see with your eyes and start feeling something, start feeling something.
@ Bullitt
Get the fuck out, stay the fuck out
It makes me sick (I'm alright)
Slit wrist theory, stains us all...
And caved the fuck in, and bashed the fuck in, it's so old
Slit wrist theory, stains us all!!
107 dagar kvar.
Och så spelar Adept i Sthlm om en vecka. Känns som om allt flyter på så fruktansvärt bra just nu :D
Man kan ha jättekul med piprensare. En liten hydda med svängdörr, tadaaa!
Kändisar, bah!
Jag och SnyggJenny var med i Closeup magazine !
Awesome tycker vi allihopa :D
Jag & Dregen är bara såååå tighta!
Vänskap kallar man det.
Idag ska jag in och träffa min snygga vän Malin för att planera en resa till Turkiet och
äta på O´connors. Hur häftigt är inte det?
Morgoncigg är guld.
Back in the days..
Vill göra om Sälen-trippen. 7 fullbordsidioter ihoptryckta i en två-dörrars-kia.
Ja, det är ju så att man blir tårögd. :,)
Längtar så jag dör!
"You're dating my ex? I ate a sandwich earlier, you want those leftovers too?"
Bilder. Kort. Ni hajar om ni inte fiskar.
Vackra tjejer! På en grym spelning!
Det går för sakta...
Men snart är det dags för all rock n roll! HCSS, Close Up, Bandit Boat och jag bara skaaaa ner till Götet på Metal Town i år!!!!
Två råhäftiga och lyckliga tjejer!
Jag har blivit kär...
I gave you all but you just kept me burning
You just kept me burning on and on
And now it feels so fine to see you breaking down girl
To see you falling further down from here
The blood is still warm but her soul has been stolen
and I hope that your parents are proud to hear what you have achieved;
to have a whore of a daughter
Stop! Don't turn this away from you now
You shall bleed it out
You shall never be
You shall never be a part of me
Smile a last smile and believe that world will go on without you and your lies
The rose will decay
De spelar på Close up båten och ingen kan tamejfan vara lyckligare än jag!
Livet är bara sååå jobbigt ibland...
såå är där nån bra restaurang du ska ta mig till då?

Jag vet ett supermysigt ställe... Bra service, går fort att få maten...
Serverar dock ingen alkohol.. Billigt...
Jag vet inte om du har hört talats om Mc Donalds...?
... and it’s sick that all these battles are what keeps me satisfied.
smeared makeup as we lay in the wake of destruction
hush baby, speak softly, tell me I’ll be sorry that you
pushed me into the coffee table last night so I can push you off me
try and touch me so I can scream at you not to touch me
run out the room and I’ll follow you like a lost puppy
baby, without you, I’m nothing, I’m so lost, hug me
then tell me how ugly I am, but that you’ll always love me
then after that, shove me, in the aftermath of the
destructive path that we’re on, two psychopaths but we
know that no matter how many knives we put in each other’s backs
that we’ll have each other’s backs, ’cause we’re that lucky
together, we move mountains, let’s not make mountains out of molehills,
you hit me twice, yeah, but who’s countin’
I may have hit you three times, I’m startin’ to lose count
but together, we’ll live forever, we found the youth fountain
our love is crazy, we’re nuts, but I refused counselin’
this house is too huge, if you move out I’ll burn all two thousand
square feet of it to the ground, ain’t shit you can do about it
with you I’m in my f–kin’ mind, without you, I’m out it..
When the drugs don't work no more, you get high on life..
Det jag hatade som mest av allt du gjorde. Det gör jag idag. Förlåt att jag inte fanns där för dig, när du behövde mig som mest.